133 research outputs found

    The Contribution of Critical Pedagogy to Feminist Research on Sexual Violence

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    As a form of scientific enquiry, feminist research aims to produce knowledge that is de- centred from, as well as decentres, androcentrism. It also establishes challenges that send us back to methodology and how we produce knowledge. Feminist research on sexual violence proposes a number of methodological challenges that open new paths for exploration: integrating intersection- ality into research; reflexivity as a criterion of rigour; the development of research techniques that respect the voices and practices of women as active agents; and the role of emotions in research. In order to analyse to what degree methodological challenges are being met and what work is still to be done, we reviewed various Spanish studies (published between 2015 and early 2022) that used a feminist approach to research sexual violence. Subsequently, using illustrations from two studies we have implemented, we outlined how critical pedagogy can make an important contribution to the methodological challenges of feminist research in this field. The article proposes that a closer relationship between socio-educational praxis (critical methodology) and feminist approaches can contribute to an enrichment and improvement of scientific praxis (feminist methodology), as well as showing how knowledge production can straddle scientific concerns and social interventio

    Pectins and Olive Pectins

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    Pectins are a component of the complex heteropolysaccharide mixture present in the cell wall of higher plants. Structurally, the pectin backbone includes galacturonic acid to which neutral sugars are attached, resulting in functional regions in which the esterification of residues is crucial. Pectins influence many physiological processes in plants and are used industrially for both food and non-food applications. Pectin-based compounds are also a promising natural source of health-beneficial bioactive molecules. Olives, the fruit of the olive tree, are consumed as part of the healthy Mediterranean diet or processed into olive oil. Pectins from olives have recently emerged as promising compounds with health-beneficial effects

    El cinematógrafo de Vegaviana, del arquitecto J. L. Fernández del Amo

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    Los pueblos de colonización extremeños, como Vegaviana (Cáceres), construidos durante la etapa franquista se han convertido en la actualidad en auténticos modelos de referencia por sus diseños arquitectónicos, urbanísticos y artísticos. El arquitecto madrileño Fernández del Amo sobresale en todos sus proyectos por reconocer la dimensión humana rural y agrícola de los colonos que iban a habitar esos nuevos poblados. Fruto de esa consideración y del contexto histórico-social en el que se desarrollan, nace la necesidad de incluir edificios destinados al ocio como es el caso del cinematógrafo. Un ejemplo único fue el Cine de Vegaviana que destacó por su original diseño y dimensiones.The Extremaduran colonization towns, such as Vegaviana (Cáceres), built during Franco’s regime, have become nowadays true reference models because of their architectural, urban and artistic designs. Madrid architect Fernández del Amo stands out in all his project because of his acknowledgement of the rural human and agricultural dimension of the colonists that were going to live in those new settlements. As a result of these considerations, and because of the historical and social context in which those new towns were developed, there was a need to include buildings for leisure time; such is the case of the cinema. A unique example was the cinema at Vegaviana, which became famous for its original design and its size.peerReviewe

    Protein kinase A activity is required for the budding of constitutive transport vesicles from the trans-Golgi network

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    We have examined the role played by protein kinase A (PKA) in vesicle-mediated protein transport from the trans-Golgi network (TGN) to the cell surface. In vivo this transport step was inhibited by inhibitors of PKA catalytic subunits (C-PKA) such as the compound known as H89 and a myristoylated form of the inhibitory peptide sequence contained in the thermostable PKA inhibitor. Inhibition by H89 occurred at an early stage during the transfer of vesicular stomatitis virus G glycoprotein from the TGN to the cell surface. Reversal from this inhibition correlated with a transient increase in the number of free coated vesicles in the Golgi area. Vesicle budding from the TGN was studied in vitro using vesicular stomatitis virus-infected, permeabilized cells. Addition to this assay of C-PKA stimulated vesicle release while it was suppressed by PKA inhibitory peptide, H89, and antibody against C-PKA. Furthermore, vesicle release was decreased when PKA-depleted cytosol was used and restored by addition of C-PKA. These results indicate a regulatory role for PKA activity in the production of constitutive transport vesicles from the TGN

    ¿Somos lo que comemos? Alfabetización científica e innovación docente

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    Presentamos los resultados de un proyecto de innovación docente de trabajo en red interdepartamental, que tiene entre sus fines contribuir a la mejora de la formación científica de los futuros maestros de Primaria. Las acciones se encaminaron hacia la impregnación de los estudiantes de cierta cultura científica, haciéndoles protagonistas de su propio proceso de aprendizaje. De las diversas actividades destacamos la organización y desarrollo de la I Jornada de Educación Científica de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación, en la que cobraron especial protagonismo las presentaciones de proyectos científicos realizados por el alumnado. La evaluación de los resultados nos ofrece un soporte del grado de éxito del trabajo y de mejoras para próximas ediciones.The present work is the result of a networking collaboration in order to improve the scientific training of the future primary teachers. The aim of the project was to imbue our students with the appropriate scientific knowledge making them the principal actors of their own learning process. Among the main activities we can highlight the organization of the 1st Conference of Scientific Education of the Faculty of Science of Education. In this meeting, the students were the leaders of many different scientific projects related to the nutrition, which was the central topic of the conference

    Nutraceutical Extract from Dulse (Palmaria palmata L.) Inhibits Primary Human Neutrophil Activation

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    Palmaria palmata L. (Palmariaceae), commonly known as "dulse", is a red alga that grows on the northern coasts of the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, and is widely used as source of fiber and protein. Dulse is reported to contain anti-inflammatory and antioxidant compounds, albeit no study has investigated these effects in primary human neutrophils. Implication strategies to diminish neutrophil activation have the potential to prevent pathological states. We evaluated the ability of a phenolic dulse extract (DULEXT) to modulate the lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-mediated activation of primary human neutrophils. Intracellular reactive oxygen species (ROS) were measured by fluorescence analysis and nitric oxide (NO) production using the Griess reaction. Inflammatory enzymes and cytokines were detected by ELISA and RT-qPCR. The results show that DULEXT diminished the neutrophil activation related to the down-regulation of TLR4 mRNA expression, deceased gene expression and the LPS-induced release of the chemoattractant mediator IL-8 and the pro-inflammatory cytokines IL-1β, IL-6 and TNF-α. ROS, NO, and myeloperoxidase (MPO) were also depressed. The data indicated that DULEXT has the potential to disrupt the activation of human primary neutrophils and the derived inflammatory and prooxidant conditions, and suggest a new role for Palmaria palmata L. in the regulation of the pathogenesis of health disorders in which neutrophils play a key role, including atherosclerosisSpanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities grant CYTED-2019 119RT056

    Trimeric G proteins modulate the dynamic interaction of PKAII with the Golgi complex

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    The Golgi complex represents a major subcellular location of protein kinase A (PKA) concentration in mammalian cells where it has been previously shown to be involved in vesicle-mediated protein transport processes. We have studied the factors that influence the interaction of PKA typeII subunits with the Golgi complex. In addition to the cytosol, both the catalytic (Cα) and regulatory (RIIα) subunits of PKAII were detected at both sides of the Golgi stack, particularly in elements of the cis- and trans-Golgi networks. PKAII subunits, in contrast, were practically absent from the middle Golgi cisternae. Cell treatment with either brefeldin A, AlF4 − or at low temperature induced PKAII dissociation from the Golgi complex and redistribution to the cytosol. This suggested the existence of a cycle of association/dissociation of PKAII holoenzyme to the Golgi. The interaction of purified RIIα with Golgi membranes was studied in vitro and found not to be affected by brefeldin A while it was sensitive to modulators of heterotrimeric G proteins such as AlF4 −, GTPγS, βγ subunits and mastoparan. RIIα binding was stimulated by recombinant, myristoylated Gαi3 subunit and inhibited by cAMP. Pretreatment of Golgi membranes with bacterial toxins known to catalyze ADP-ribosylation of selected Gα subunits also modified RIIα binding. Taken together the data support a regulatory role for Golgi-associated Gα proteins in PKAII recruitment from the cytosol

    El papel del docente en un aula hospitalaria de oncología pediátrica

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    Mostramos en este estudio los resultados de un trabajo de observación indirecta de la labor de los docentes de las aulas hospitalarias del área de oncología pediátrica del Hospital Universitario Virgen del Rocío de la ciudad de Sevilla. La asistencia a distintas sesiones del aula, así como la entrevista a la docente responsable de la misma, nos ha permitido realizar un análisis detallado de este entorno escolar único. Asimismo, el trabajo se completa con una amplia revisión bibliográfica que nos ha facilitado el conocimiento exhaustivo, por un lado, del contexto normativo para este tipo de aulas escolares y, por otro lado, de los aspectos pedagógicos y psicológicos a considerar en el proceso enseñanza-aprendizaje

    ¿Qué conoce nuestro futuro profesorado de Educación Primaria en relación a la contribución de las mujeres a la Ciencia?

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    Los futuros maestros y maestras de Educación Primaria, como tantas personas, muestran carencias destacadas en su concepción de la ciencia como parte fundamental de la sociedad moderna. Este hecho, junto a la certeza de que en sus aulas participarán en la educación de niñas y niños, exige una intervención didáctica durante su formación inicial. Por ello, el trabajo que aquí se presenta analiza los conocimientos iniciales que estos estudiantes disponen sobre el rol de las mujeres científicas en el pasado, sus contribuciones a la sociedad y las dificultades encontradas por cuestiones de género, con el fin de diseñar alguna intervención docente posterior. El análisis de datos cualitativo muestra un conocimiento muy limitado en cuanto al aporte de las mujeres en la construcción del conocimiento científico, que les lleva a tener una visión descontextualizada, androcentrista y elitista de las ciencias

    Practical Characterization of Cell-Electrode Electrical Models in Bio-Impedance Assays

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    This paper presents the fitting process followed to adjust the parameters of the electrical model associated to a cell-electrode system in Electrical Cell-substrate Impedance Spectroscopy (ECIS) technique, to the experimental results from cell-culture assays. A new parameter matching procedure is proposed, under the basis of both, mismatching between electrodes and time-evolution observed in the system response, as consequence of electrode fabrication processes and electrochemical performance of electrode-solution interface, respectively. The obtained results agree with experimental performance, and enable the evaluation of the cell number in a culture, by using the electrical measurements observed at the oscillation parameters in the test circuits employed.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad TEC2013-46242-C3-1-